Monday, January 26, 2009

                                                                           Bad Fad #3

Naturally, I was born with a fashion curse: I have abnormally large big toes. Easily, it's hard to understand why this is so difficult to deal with. It is rare to find me wearing a pair of open toe shoes, peep toes, flip flops, sandals, or any other kind of footwear where my large toes topple off the front end. Knowing this about myself, I am now wondering, why the hell did I find it necessary to own multiple pairs of striped toe socks?

Toe socks were awfully uncomfortable and painful for my big monster toes. Toe socks were a big fad, and I needed a pair in every single colour of the rainbow. These babies took 100 times longer to put on than regular socks, and felt horrible with an individual sock on each and every toe.

Thinking back to this ghastly fad, I am quite positive that everyone who wore them found it amusing to show off their multi-coloured feet, including me. I promise these socks will never be hot again, and I also promise to keep these bad boys (my toes) locked up!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

During my childhood, I have participated in some of the most atrocious fads of our time. While reminiscing, the best conversations usually involve the clothing, accessories, and awful toys we needed to own. Using interviews from friends, Bad Fad wil showcase the best of the worst.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Come with me, on a journey through time...

Bad Fad has got me thinking about how awful my personal style and choice of clothing was in my earlier years. Many of us thought the trends we followed were the best option for making us "cool", when really we were just an imitation of a Spice Girls prosti-tot. Harsh, I know. Necessary? Absolutely.

For the first Bad Fad post, I feel it is only just to discuss my love of dressing up and playing the make believe game of, "If I were a Spice Girl..." These five ladies had such an impact on my style, it would only be fair to give them a little credit for how hideous I dressed.

Bad Fad #1

Warning: use not intended for eyes. 
Hair mascara is easily the most dangerous cosmetic known to young girls. Not only does this have the ability to give you skunk- like, hot pink, sticky, gooey, and clumpy, but when used incorrectly can cause excruciating pain.

My own personal collection of hair masacra was from Northern Getaway. The mucky pink, purple and silver glitter were all the rage!

Bad Fad #2

I am beyond disapointed that I am unable to find photos of this trend. Two words: Spice Mice. I blame Northern Getaway for the most ridiculous things I could wear. Turquoise t-shirts with printed images of mice dressed as the Spice Girls could not be anymore scandalous (not to mention vulgar)! These were the hottest things to wear for any 10 year old. A must have for any child fashionista! I will make it a mission to find one of these t-shirts at Value Village and bring back this awful Fad. 

Was it just me, or did the etire idea of "Spice Girl" itself came back as a trend last Spring when the girls came back for their world tour?